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Samhain from
... Samhain was the name given to the moon . " This planet was undoubtedly worshipped by the name of Samhain ; and as the feast of Bel , or the sun , was proclaimed by ares and other public re- joicings on May eve , so was that of ...
Samhain from
James Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray. associated with Samhain in earlier times . Mas - tree - spirit had once been a priest - king , so he who festivals , as also those of Samhain , were mutually. Samhain , men wore ...
Samhain from
... Samhain was the name given to the moon . " This planet was undoubtedly worshipped by the name of Samhain ; and as the feast of Bel , or the sun , was proclaimed by fires and other public re- joicings on May eve , so was that of ...
Samhain from
... SAMHAIN , All Saints - Tyde . Shaw's Dicti- onary . SAMHAIN , All Saints - Tyde . chæol . Britan . * Lhwyd's Ar- VOL . III . No. XII . 0 LA LA SAMHNA , Hallowmas - Day . Mac Donald's Galick. * Samhain , says Lhwyd , from some modern ...
Samhain from
... SAMHAIN . Samhain , 1 beginning the Celtic year , was an important social and religious occasion . The powers of blight were beginning their ascendancy , yet the future triumph of the powers of growth was not forgotten . Probably Samhain ...
Samhain from
... Samhain was the name given to the moon . " This planet was undoubtedly worshipped by the name of Samhain ; and as the feast of Bel , or the sun , was proclaimed by fires and other public re- joicings on May eve , so was that of ...
Samhain from
... Samhain was the name given to the moon . " This planet was undoubtedly worshipped by the name of Samhain ; and as the feast of Bel , or the sun , was proclaimed by fires and other public re- joicings on May eve , so was that of ...
Samhain from
... Samhain , or the moon , on the eve of November . It was the custom on the eves of Samhain or Bel , or of No- vember and May , for the priests to light up holy fires through the kingdom - all culinary fires whatever to be ex ...
Samhain from
... Samhain , the principal deities of ancient Ireland , and of those of an inferior order - the transmigration of fouls ... Samhain ; and as the feaft of Bel , or the fun , was proclaimed by fires and other public re- joicings on May ...